Back !

Publié le par Samia

It took much, much more time than I thought, but, finally, Attitudes is back inworld.

Back on a gorgeous estate, don't hesitate to visit Costa Rica, these guys really know what building a decor means.

Back with a great-looking store, many thanks and applaudes to Dundee Lubitsch, who conceived the architecture, built the prims, and photoshopped wonderful textures.


Back with new stuff, too.

First, a lace collection, "Valois". This set offers choice between a classic or a strapless bra, and between panties or thong. So, you can wear it the way you like. Oh and it comes with stockings in various colors and opacities, too.


Valois-b2 Valois-b3

Still, the Costa Rica estate (did I say how gorgeous it is ?) has many beaches... So, a swimsuit collection was needed too. 

Therefore, I designed the Blomet bikini set. 
Yes, I know, another weird name, but I name my swimsuits from Paris swimming pools, so, you have to cope with that ;)

This bikini comes in 4 colorful designs, plus a conservative black one. 


 It also allows you to choose between a classic bikini bottom and a sexier (or sluttier ? ^^) thong bottom.

blomet-5 blomet-4

Both these sets, plus the Lourmel one, will soon have a specific variation available as Attitudes group gift. I'm working at it so... Stay tuned :)

Oh, in case you missed the url at the beginning of this post, the new store is here :)
You can trash any previous Attitudes LM, they're now worthless.
And.. Don't hesitate to add the new one to your picks if you have some free slots, it really really helps me !  

I'll be back soon for the group gifts :)

Samia (so happy to be back inworld)


Publié dans New Release

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